Sockeye Salmon Lox Bagel

Sockeye Salmon Lox Bagel Recipe photo. Taken fresh on a local BC fishing

Savory Sockeye Salmon Lox Bagel, layered with cream cheese, thinly sliced red onions, ripe tomatoes, and capers, garnished with fresh dill, and served with a tangy lemon wedge for a burst of fresh flavor.


  • 4 bagels of your choice
  • 8 oz of Sockeye salmon lox
  • 8 oz of cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced
  • 1/4 cup of capers
  • Fresh dill, for garnish
  • Lemon wedges, for serving


  1. First, start by toasting your bagels. You can do this either in a toaster, or if you like them extra crispy, you can place them face down in a pan on medium heat until they're nicely browned.

  2. Once your bagels are toasted, spread a generous amount of cream cheese on each half of the bagel.

  3. Arrange slices of Sockeye salmon lox on top of the cream cheese. Depending on the size of your lox and your personal preference, you may want to fold the slices or leave them flat.

  4. Top the salmon with thin slices of red onion. If the flavor of raw onion is too strong for you, you can soak the slices in cold water for a few minutes before using them to mellow the flavor.

  5. Next, add the sliced tomatoes on top of the onions.

  6. Sprinkle a few capers on each bagel for a salty, briny punch of flavor.

  7. Garnish the bagel with fresh dill, and serve with a lemon wedge on the side. The lemon juice can be squeezed over the bagel just before eating for a fresh, bright flavor.

  8. Enjoy your Sockeye Salmon Lox Bagel immediately while it's still fresh and the bagel is still warm.

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