Highline Fish Co

Recipe Contest

Contest Entry

We're looking for more recipes to share with our customers, so we decided to have a Recipe Contest.

Win one of 8 x $50 gift certificates and a Highline Fish Co hat if you submit a recipe and your name is drawn.

There are 8 categories of recipes and we'll randomly choose a winner for each category, using a random number generator. You may enter as many recipes as you like, but you may only win once in this contest.

Simply submit your recipe in the form below to participate. Here's a great example of what your recipe should look like.

Recipe deadline: January 31, 2022

Personal Info

* means that a field is required in order to complete your order submission.


Here's a pre-formatted example if you'd like to cut and paste to get started: pre-formatted recipe. It opens in a new tab or window.

Recipe Image

Please upload an image for your recipe. It should be a jpg and should be any larger than 2048px x 2048px or 1.5MB.

By submitting this recipe to our contest, you agree that Highline Fish Co may use your recipe and name on our website or in marketing related activies. You will be signed up for the Highline Fish Co newsletter to keep you updated about the contest. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Recipe Contest Gift Certifcate and Hat